Futari wa Not in America

Apparently 4kids dropped the license for Pretty Cure after years of holding onto it and doing nothing with  it. I don’t know why 4kids let such an obscenely successful franchise out of its grasp, but I have my suspicions.

1) Pretty Cure’s primary audience is girls, young girls.

2) Pretty Cure is a fairly VIOLENT show aimed towards young girls that would have probably aired on a non-cable network like Fox or the CW, which cringes at too much violence in shows.

3) Anime licensing costs being what they were back when Pretty Cure was licensed, Toei probably cost them enough arms and legs to cripple the Hecatonchires.

Knowing what they did with Doremi, I’m not that sad to see it go, but Pretty Cure is the type of show that needs to be on a normal network to succeed. Here’s hoping someone else picks up the ball.

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